Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Flitter Freaks Q&A #1: Is Flitter Single?

Since launching Flitter Freaks, I've been inundated with a slew of fresh Freaks crawling out of the wood work to learn more about our well rounded prince, Josh Flitter. And one thing that I'm eventually asked is whether or not Josh Flitter is single. While I can't give a 100% confirmed answer to this burning question, I've got a hunch that the answer is PROBABLY.

There've been plenty of chicas knocking at JF's front and/or back door requesting some hot lovin' from this plus-sized casanova, that's certainly true. Much like those other Hollywood hunks Flitter is lumped in with (see: Hartnet, Pitt, Clooney, Akroyd), Josh has had his fair share of rumoured romances with starlets. First up was Emma Roberts who Josh hooked up with on the set of Nancy Drew. Things reportedly heated up between Roberts and our portly hero, the two forming a tight bond on the shoot. Want proof? Look no further non believer. This was an outtake where Josh fell down and was unable to stand up by himself, Emma came rushing to his side, concerned for her new stud.

Then the Flitter Bomb went head long into his next conquest, Mandy Moore. This rumoured relationship took place on the comedy smash License To Wed. Sources remain tight lipped about the steamy couple, but no one could deny the obvious chemistry as the pair shared a family bucket of original recipe chicken.

Yet both flames dwindled quite quickly and Josh is likely still taking up considerable space on the singles market. Who knows if our Flitter will ever find true love, but if there are any ladies out there who like what they see and want to ride the Flitter Express then take this tip and start familiarising yourselves with his core interests. Josh likes escelators, lifts, wheels of cheese, the kids works at Pizza Hut and those stupid shoes with the wheels in them.

What a catch.


Anonymous said...

aw don't forget Anne Hathaway on the set of princess diaries two....there was a definite spark there.

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