You a bit quirky? Want to wear a Hawaiian shirt but don't want to look like everyone else with a loose fitting shirt emblazoned with prints of flowers/surfboards/beaches/palm trees? Well Mr Fashion Honkey, this is the one for you. Get this, it's got cars and chicks on it. I think it's a replica of the Gucci designed shirt that George Clooney wore to Cannes.

I hope that helps guys. We've gotta be there for Flitter, wearing our Friday bests! I know it's a big deal to all of us, so let's just try and take some inspiration from another fullsome fashionista, Ryan Maloney aka Jarrod 'Toadfish' Vincenzo Ribecchi. He dresses himself you know. It's a clause in his contract. No wonder Steph Scully put out for him.

Well said.
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